
22 items sold

  • 5″ x 8″
  • 121 pages
  • Written by Itharey

This book was made to help teach people about their identity, serving Yahuah and their requirements of keeping the commandments. Use it to keep the go to scriptures fresh in your mind. 

1st Book is only $9.97 and any additional book is just $3!

This is so you can give it away if you want or share the truth about Yahuah more easilu

If you want to wake up people but don’t know where to start, grab this book. It won’t disappoint.

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This book is an introduction into what is to be an Israelite. An Israelite is one who has a life or death covenant with Yahuah. You don’t know what it means to be an Israelite until you know about this life or death covenant.  If you have ancestry of the Diaspora, then you maybe an Israelite. If you have a document that states you forefather was an Israelite or a Black Jew, then you are likely an Israelite. This book will tell you everything you need to know to understand the meaning of being called an Israelite, how to know who is an Israelite, the fundamental details of the covenant and what the requirements are.

You will get a summary of the past and future. What will happen to the nations and the glory of the kingdom. This book is written to allow the scriptures to speak verse by verse.


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Weight .5 lbs

1 Book, 2 Books, 3 Books, 5 Books, 10 Books

One thought on “Life or Death Marriage Covenant with Yahuah (Pricing for 1 Book or 10 Books)”

  1. excellent service and delivered as stated and on time and i’m enjoying the information contained in the book

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