There is another course for learning Manakahthey. This course will help you read prayers.  We should be praying in Manakahthey and actually know what we are saying.

Learn the 1000 Most Common Manakahthey words first to quickly learn Manakahthey. You will absorb the words quicker if you understand the meaning of the symbols by reading my book “Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew”. However, if you just want to study the words, you can do that. You may get discouraged if you are not “impressed “ by the meaning because you didn’t relate to them. Manakahthey is the most easiest language to learn because the letters are symbols which make perfect sense.

This word: 𐤏𐤌 means people. The symbols literally mean “eyes many “ referring to people. Knowing that this symbol 𐤏 means eyes and this symbol is a 𐤌 plural, helps you to quickly memorize the word for people and keep your interest. You can still learn that 𐤏𐤌 means people without knowing why, but that is not fun and it is quite boring. You may lose interest if you don’t read my book.

Anyway, visit to add the course to your list and then download the app





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