“Thus saith Yahuah” is mentioned Over 382 times as “כה אמר יהוה”, or a variation of it, in this collection of books. I took the liberty of highlighting these occurrences. It is important to remember that the words of יהוה from the mouth of anyone of his prophets is as his own words.
The Books of the Prophets were written originally in Manakahthey manuscript, the original language of all people. This version consists of 19 total books.
Be inspired to learn the original tongue and let יהוה (Yahuah) reveal his secrets to you. This book was made available for English speakers who are learning Manakahthey. Manakahthey is the Authentic Language of all people before it was taking away by יהוה (Yahuah) commencing at the Tower of Babel.
Genesis 11:1
And the whole earth was of one language, and of one speech.
“Thus, saith Yahuah” was originally written in Manakahthey Manuscript:
א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ל מ נ ס ע פ ץ ק ר ש ת
- This book was made to be read from right to left.
- The fonts are normal sized & the words are well spaced.
- It is easier to read for beginners than Modern Hebrew.
- Manakahthey symbols are clear and never mistaken for another.
- Manakahthey symbols reveal the meaning of the words because it was founded in sign language & has symbolic meanings.
- You can know the meaning of Manakahthey words by signing them & knowing their symbolic meanings.
- To learn more about the Original Language of all mankind, go to PrimitiveSignLanguage.com
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