
What is Manakahthey?

To learn the meaning of my name “Itharey” go here.

My translation of Zephaniah 3:10

Zephaniah 3:9-10

9 For then will I return to the people a pure language, for all to call upon the name of Yahuah, to serve him with shoulder to shoulder, 10 from beyond to river of Cush, עתרי Itharey, Daughter of the Diaspora, shall bring Manakahthey. 

כי  אז  אהפך  אל  עמים  שפה ברורה  לקרא  כלם בשם  יהוה  לעבדו  שכם  אחד ׃

מעבר  לנהרי כוש  עתרי  בת פוצי  יובלון  מנחתי׃




9 For כי  (Key) then אז  (AZ)

will I return אהפך (AaHPaK) to אל (AL)

the people עמים (IMeyM)

a pure ברורה  (BaRuRaH)

language שפה (ShaPaH), to call לקרא  (LaQuRA)

all כלם (KaLaM) on the name בשם  (BaShaM)

of יהוה (Yahuah), to serve him לעבדו  (LaIBaDu)

shoulder one שכם  (ShaKaM) אחד (AKahD)

10 From beyond מעבר  (MĪBaR)

 to the river of לנהרי  (LaNaHRey)

 Ethiopia כוש  (KuSh),

 ĪThaRey עתרי daughter בת (BaTh)

of the dispersed פוצי  (PuTsey), shall bring

יובלון (YuBaLuN) Manakahthey מנחתי .

Also, Yahuah calls Israel many times Daughter of Zion, Daughter of Jerusalem, but never “Itharey Daughter of my Dispersed”. The name, Itharey, is specific. Then Zephaniah states “of my Dispersed”. It should be very clear.

Who brings the language? 

עתרי  Itharey, the Daughter of the Diaspora, as stated in Zephaniah 3:10. No one ever came with this much proof, nor can anyone explain the etymology of Manakahthey words as I can. You would have to know that Hebrew was founded in sign language and know the gestures. The world didn’t know it until I revealed the pure language by the mercy of Yahuah.

Praise Yahuah!

Get the book “Primitive Sign Language -Volume 1 Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew” today


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The Origins of Language

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Manakahthey Symbols, Meaning & Phonetics


This is a transliteration key to read all transliterations of Manakahthey words that I post. There is a reason why I CaPiTaLiZe certain words that stand for a Manakahthey word. This is to distinguish it from an English word and to identify the Manakahthey symbol that it stands for.

Don’t forget Modern Hebrew uses vowel marks, which were not in the original bibles. This came after the Israelites went into captivity. Modern Hebrew is a confused version of Manakahthey. Meaning it came after the Manakahthey language and became corrupt like most languages, however, the meaning of Manakahthey words (ancient words) are still alive and accurate. These words are preserved in the bible. Biblical Hebrew can be converted back to Manakahthey symbols.

Vowels in Manakahthey play different roles. Depending on what “action” you need. Vowels communicate a type of action. If you don’t know what kind of action a vowel sound is communicating, you won’t ever know what a word means. Modern Hebrew doesn’t teach this information that’s why they add vowel marks which don’t make any sense if you ask me.

The Vowel Letters of Manakahthey are …

“𐤄” aHBaL – this is the “air” sign. This vowel as “air” to words. This communicates power of air. That air sign is natural and stable. It communicates life but not strong movement. It is as the energy of walking or moving.

“𐤅” uu – this is the connection symbol. It adds electricity to words. This communicates the power of energy. This is as the energy of jumping, running or magnetism.

& sometimes “𐤉” YeD – when this symbol is used as a vowel, it is located in the middle or end of words. It adds “manual” control being the “hand” sign, it’s easy to understand.  It is energy, but not as strong as 𐤅 which is electrical, but more than the 𐤄 which is air. 𐤉 gives words that “push” motivation. This is as the energy of moving by manual pushing, pulling or controlling etc.

In my book, Primitive Sign Language, I wrote about fascinating relationship that these letters (𐤄 ,𐤅,𐤉). It’s not complicated and there are no need for vowel marks.  As time goes by, I will introduce many words and you can learn the relationships of these vowel symbols.

Alternatively, you can support my efforts and find out how these letters are used in Manakahthey and buy a copy of Primitive Sign Language.


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Manakahthey Review Cards

Many people have also found these Summary Cards very helpful. Only a few left and they are not coming back.


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Are you still Hestianat? That’s ok.  Keep learning

The reason you need this information is in the prophecy. Yahuah wants you to know what his name means. I teach about his name in this video and more in the book “Primitive Sign Language”

I have the knowledge of the Symbols!

I am making videos of the Manakahthey words that are in the bible. I just need more time to create them whch can only come from your support. Below is a playlist of videos. You can get more videos by visiting Manakahthey.com/hand-signs and you can learn about the symbols and hand signs by watching video lessons.  You don’t have to read the book to get this knowledge by I am almost positive after watching the video you will want to get this book. They go together. Really if you bought the book but haven’t watched the video lessons on Manakahthey.com you may still be in the dark as to how the language works.

This language is an Archaic Language. We still use many hand gestures of Manakathhey words naturally but we don’t use the symbols nor know how to read them. That is my job to teach you how to put it all together. I prayed for the revelation and Yahuah gave it to me. It was scary at first but the information came steadidly and slowly enough for me to process. I am still shocked by new words and set back, but don’t be. Start learning today and let’s speak and understand the words in the bible.


Do you feel Comfortable with your Translated Version?

Think again – There are Untranslated Words in the Bible

You read correctly. The number one reason for my initial intense study, research, and prayer for revelation from Yahuah concerning the language was because many words in the Bible are left UNTRANSLATED. When I casually check over verses to find out their meaning I find many times, more often than I like, that words are not translated at all.

This happens for a number of reasons.


1) You can’t translate certain words into another language, many meanings are lost in translation. Sometimes, as I explained in “Primitive Sign Language; Vol. Etymology of Ancient Hebrew “, words are giving watered-down meanings or even thrown any word to make the meaning flow.

2) They don’t know what the words mean.

These are the two main reasons. Now, you might be ok with this but I certainly was not. I was applauded and 🔥 fired up.  I just was not satisfied knowing I wasn’t really reading Yahuah’s words. I am a person who is completely enveloped in the Hebrew Israelite (Ibarey Yeshar’Al) culture. I sell Hebrew Clothes, read the Bible, and Research the language. I research the language with intensity because there is no Hebrew Israelite culture without knowing the real Manakahthey language. That is why I wrote my book. I thought that there were others who liked me who wanted to know the truth concerning the language and wanted to fully understand all the words in the Bible.

I will dedicate this page as an ongoing page under construction. If you find words that are untranslated or mistranslated comment and I will add them to the list. This will be an extremely long list, I assure you. Many times, untranslated words don’t even receive a Strongs Concordance Number so they are completely excluded as if no one cared.

Go Here for an Updated list of UNTRANSLATED WORDS (not complete)


Ever Wondered Why?

The Etymology of Hebrew Homonyms

Words that have the same spelling, but different meaning

I guess I am a nerd. I want to know why or I am just not satisfied.

Why does ALaP mean “bull, learn, teach, and a thousand”? I know now, but do you?

Are you satisfied with not getting the answer? Only the Manakahthey language can answer this. I explain this word in the chapter of the ALaP symbol.

Why does GaMaL mean “camel, wean, ripe, and wrestle”? I know now, but do you?

No one can explain this, however, I do in the chapter of the GaMaL symbol in my book, “Primitive Sign Language”

Why does AL mean “God, no, there and “? I know now because I know Hebrew & Manakahthey are founded in sign language.  You can get the answer in my book.

The Manakahthey symbols, when signed a certain way, tells you the meaning of the word. Sometimes the meaning comes from knowing what the symbol means too.

This is all in my book.


You can definitely learn Modern Hebrew and Manakahthey without knowing its etymology or sign language, but you can’t know the answer to “why” many Manakahthey words have the same spelling, but different meanings. Humans talk with their hands still, but it’s confusing hand gestures. Imagine knowing how to expound on your speech with your hands.

It’s like telling someone.

  • It’s right here.  You can’t say those words without pointing
  • Tell someone this is it, without a hand gesture
  • Tell someone to leave without pointing to the door
  • Tell someone to come to you without pointing to yourself
  • Tell someone something was “this big” without moving your arms wide

All of these gestures are represented by one of the Manakahthey symbols. Humans still communicate using hand gestures.

When you read my book you will discover you already have been signing out Manakahthey words. It’s a natural form of communication. That is why you can know it is the first language. Every nation in the world will understand these gestures.  This is the language prophesied in Zephaniah 3:9.  It will be evident as time passes.  We are not going into the Kingdom speaking a backward tongue. Get yourself ready.

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Did you know there are many DUBIOUS TRANSLATIONS of Hebrew Words?

Many Hebrew words in the respected Strong Concordance and famous lexicons as Brown Drivers Briggs are dubiously defined.

For example, when the Israelites were taking into captivity they lost their language because it was beating out of them. Eventually, Manakahthey became a “dead” language”.

It took our own enemies to repackage it back to us, in order for us to get some sort of clue.  A clue is all we had because they didn’t use our Manakahthey Script  𐤀𐤁𐤂𐤃𐤄𐤅𐤆𐤇𐤈𐤉𐤊𐤋𐤌𐤍𐤎𐤏𐤐𐤑𐤒𐤓𐤔𐤕.

They called it “Hebrew”, even though it is still written as IBaRey in Strong’s Concordance #5680 and yet still, the language of the Israelites was never called “Hebrew”, but Yahudeyth. Abraham’s people spoke the original language that went without a name, not Hebrew. All men spoke Manakahthey and language evolved to be named only after it was different from the first language.  The evolved language of the Israelites was “Yahudeyth”, named after the tribe of Yahudah (Judah) see Strong’s 3066. The translators will translate Yahudeyth as “Hebrew” time and time again when you read the bible, so no wonder it was hard to find. I was calling Hebrew – Ibarey for 6 months before realizing this fact and I am going to revise my book and take out “Ibarey” out of it as far as it referring to the language. This is the reason I am researching and reading the original language. The power is in the hands of the translators to lie to us because most of us don’t know our own language.

Yahudeyth is not the original language and it likely looked like Modern Hebrew today.  Yahudeyth declined away from Manakahthey and switched over to different letters and added vowel marks, but thankfully, the letters do coincide with Manakahthey because all they did was replace the original scripts with it. The scribes switched it over. I know this for a fact because I know the hand gestures of the Manakahthey symbols and words and they do make perfect sense.  I am not promoting that we learn Yahudeyth, but Manakahthey the original language for which the scriptures were written in. This is where the secrets lay.

Maybe they knew the language was founded in sign language and that is why they choose to “revive” Hebrew (Lol, made up language a few decades ago) using Babylonian script.  They even perplexingly added vowel marks which add confusion upon confusion. I wish I was done, then they added extra letters and pronounced words in odd fashions. It might be hard for Moses or Abraham to recognize Hebrew came from Manakahthey. Moses & Abraham would not even be able to read it.

My mission is to bring back the authentic language of the scriptures, keep the true scripts and not lie about the meanings of words.

I am really trying to get my books in many people’s hands because I know for sure that the internet is going to shut down and books that we purchased before their New World Order (destruction more like it) will be the only source of information and we will have to come together and share it, but at least that will bring us closer.

  1. The translators were mostly successful in figuring out the general meaning of words by studying and comparing other similar languages. They tell you they did this when you read their source for the meaning of words.
  2. Another method, proving to be more accurate is comparing various scriptures to another.  When a Manakahthey word has multiple references and verses to compare, it is easy to draw out the meaning without going to a foreign language. However, when a word is mentioned only once or twice or the use in a verse seems “odd”, they tend to walk over to a neighboring language and “borrow” their meaning. I do respect Brown Drivers Briggs for writing “dubious” when they are unsure.


Notice the references to foreign languages for the word Shamayeim.  This should be concerning to you for words that don’t have many verses to reference.

At times the translators had to give many translations a “best guess”.

They were Dubious

Does that sit well with you to know they were unsure, yet translated the bible? Well, that is why I wrote my book. You might not think it is necessary to know the etymology of Hebrew words until you realize the many Torah laws, prophesies and moral recommendations were mistranslated by no fault of anyone except they didn’t know Hebrew was founded in sign language. Now you can pick up where the translators failed.  Read my book and learn how to define words by their hand gestures. You might not need to do it all the time, but sometimes you will need to do it. Also, if you are learning Paleo Hebrew then you should learn the etymology of the symbols by reading my book. This will help you to accelerate your retention of new words.  It is easy to remember a sign language than foreign letters. The sign language of Manakahthey is written words in the air and at the same time depict the meaning of said word.  See examples of it in the menu called “free lessons”. More words are coming. Actually, I plan to sign out all the words in the bible, but it will be posted to my other site, Itharey.com. Our ancestors were geniuses.

Here is a shortlist of other words that the translators were dubious about.



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What about the OTHER VERSIONS of HEBREW?

Well, Manakahthey is not Hebrew.  Hebrew came from Manakahthey.  All the “other” forms of Hebrew focus on the sound of the words and not the origins of the symbols.  Manakahthey is the only version of its kind and the claims are big, but I can back it up with scriptures and evidence upon evidence.

Many have claimed to have found the “Original Language or to have had the “Holy Tongue”.  LaShaWaN Qadash is known as “Israelite Hebrew”.  It was an attempt to bring back Paleo Hebrew and it was a good try, however, no updates have been giving since it came out. It’s incomplete and it leaves many unanswered questions.

Is LaShaWaN Qadash the “Holy Tongue”?

I was introduced to the Paleo Hebrew from this flyer pasted down by UPK, a Christian-based Israelite group in which many camps or schools evolved from because of separation or disagreement. I am not with any group nor am I a New Testament believer for the record. However, I am friendly with all groups, although many anti-other congregations.

Yahuah never said he would save on tribe over another or one particular group over another. He will weed out the rebels when the time comes.

Many Israelites are introduced to LaShaWaN QaDaSh, a form of Hebrew that utilizes the Manakahthey symbols and seeks to bring back the ancient tongue.

I disagree with the phonetic sounds prescribed to only a few letters, such as the

  • 𐤀 – ALaP
    • LaShaWaN teaches that “𐤀” makes the “aH” sound.
      • They have the sound correct, but not the transliteration. This causes a lot of confusion with the “𐤄” aHBaL letter and with pronouncing many other words. They say its the natural “a” sound that most of the symbols make. I agree, but why add the “h” sound to the transliteration?
  • 𐤄 – aHBaL
    • –  LaShaWaN teaches “𐤄” makes the “Ha” sound.
      • This is because the people who introduced the language were English speakers.  English speakers don’t know that many countries pronounce the “h” letter with an “aH” sound.  Manakahthey being a musical language requires all letters to be musical and harmonious. Such as with aH-La-Lu-YaH meaning Praise Yah. It has 2  “𐤄” letters in it. Note the exact sound you hear.  Using the correct “𐤄” sound allows for good music.  HaLaLuYah doesn’t provide the best sound. See “aHBaL” to learn more.
  • 𐤅- uu
    • – LaShaWaN teaches that “𐤅” makes the “wa” sound.
      • This was understandable at the time because this was the information that was put about that paleo Hebrew. However, now that new evidence exist, many people no longer believe the “𐤅” letter makes the “wa” sound, but “u” as in “aHLaLu-Yah”. See “uu“.
  • 𐤉  – YeD – LaShaWan teaches that the “𐤉” letter makes the “Ya” sound.
    • I do not agree with this because in many words, the “𐤉” letter is not properly pronounced with the “Ya” sound. LaShaWan incorrectly treats this letter as a consonant, however, it is sometimes a vowel. The “𐤉” symbol is a vowel when used in the middle of a word and in the end.  To learn more, see YeD.
  • 𐤑 – TsaD
    •  LaShaWan teaches that the “𐤑” letter makes the “TaZa” sound.
      • This is a lot of sounds for one letter.  It isn’t a comfortable letter to have to say.  The “𐤑” TsaD letter makes the “Tsa” sound. To learn more TsaD.
  • 𐤒 – QuP
    •  LaShaWaN teaches that all the letters have a natural “a” sound.  It doesn’t acknowledge any of the letters having a unique vowel sound. It teaches that the “𐤒” letter makes the “Qa” sound.  “𐤒” makes the “Ku” sound. To learn more see “QuP”.

Long story short, LaShaWan was an introduction to Paleo Hebrew / Manakahthey for Israelites who didn’t want to follow Modern Hebrew. I respect LaShaWaN more than Modern Hebrew because it utilizes the correct Manakahthey fonts and it did not follow the teachings of Modern Hebrew which were based on Babylonian and Chaldean principles.

I applaud LaShaWaN for standing its ground and not following those who don’t truly want to speak the correct language. At the same time, now that we know better, let’s do better.

There are 3 main vowel sounds in Manakahthey. See this post to learn more. La ShaWaN doesn’t acknowledge any vowels other than “aH” for 𐤀, but 𐤄 – aHBaL makes the aH sound, not Alap.



The origins of Modern Hebrew are from Babylon. Modern Hebrew utilizes Babylonian letters which seem to have been taken from Egyptian Hieroglyphs.


You can access this book by visiting Archives.org and searching or clicking the link, but don’t go there. I have the breakdown and expose here.

The failure with this book is stating that Hebrew came from Egyptian Hieroglyphs. I found contradictions and confusion when I attempted to draw meanings from the symbols after reading the first few pages.

Then, I did a deeper research and concluded Hebrew didn’t come from Hamite or from Babylon. Yahuah would not use another nation’s language which he confounded back in the Tower of Babel. Only the people called Yeshar’Al, maintained the knowledge of the original language. This knowledge is that Hebrew came from hand gestures. I prove it in my book Primitive Sign Language. Most of the words, whose origin is from Manakahthey and not from a foreign language, can be communicated using sign language.

Let’s compare the letters & sounds of Manakahthey, Modern Hebrew & Egyptian Hieroglyphics.


There are many fonts and variations of the Manakahthey symbols. I find the “neatest & most legible” to be the “Moabite Stone Inscriptions”.   In my opinion, this font represents the hand gestures in Manakahthey the best. See my other post on Manakahthey in History to see other discoveries and fonts based on inscriptions of various sorts.


Modern Hebrew can’t be Manakahthey because it has over 29 letters and vowel marks that didn’t exist in ancient Manakahthey .  It even uses Babylonian characters. Wow!  Aramaic might be closer in relationship to Manakahthey or the Samaritans than Modern Hebrew, however, the bible did preserve the meaning of most words and it held it “back in time”. I can’t say that about Aramaic or the Samaritan language.


As you see, the Modern Hebrew sounds of the Chet & Vav letter comes from the Egyptian Hieroglyphics.  I don’t agree with it.  See KahyTs & uu symbols for more information and find out how you can know correct sounds of these letters.

As you see, Modern Hebrew has it’s origin in Egyptian Hieroglyphics. Babylonian scripts came from Egypt.  Modern Hebrew also uses confusing vowel marks that do not exist in Manakahthey.  The vowels marks in Modern Hebrew came from the Chaldeans. From the book “Restored Hebrew Tongue”,…

The Restored Hebrew Tongue, also utilizes the Babylonian scripts to prove their restored tongue. They pushed Hebrew roots for the foundation of Hebrew words.  It is a false claim because Hebrew is founded in sign language, not roots symbols. I find it confusing to learn IBaRey using Babylonian scripts with added Chaldean vowel marks.  Modern Hebrew is not Manakahthey, the original biblical language.  If I wasn’t studying Hebrew using the Paleo Hebrew letters, I would not have discovered Hebrew was founded in sign language.


The real origins of the Ghabaray Language is from the heart

Jeremiah 17:9

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?


It came from an Israelite who’s research stopped halfway. Let’s compare the letter’s & sounds of Manakahthey to Ghabaray.


From Yaosharal.com, while most of the letters are similar to Manakahthey, there are a few differences to notice.

  • The 𐤀 (ALaP) letter in Ghabaray is not a bull, but a flag pole, and they claim that 𐤀 is a Canaanite script.  This is not true, it doesn’t matter what “they” call the language or letters.  Yeshar’Al (Israelites) preserved the original language via the bible; Torah, Prophets & Writings in the Old Testament Scriptures. If Phoenicians were discovered to have the similar letters, it is only because all mankind spoke one language and it was a Primitive Sign Language.  Ghabaray is more accurate than Modern Hebrew and isn’t far from agreeing with the information on my site. If Ghabaray doesn’t know, the original language is founded in sign language, they are not teaching anything “new”.  Modern Hebrew also doesn’t know this information.  It is not refined in any manner other than the use of the Manakahthey fonts.  Who is the person who put out this information? Where is the source of the information?

    The above image is the information of the pushers of “Ghabarary” put out. It is false. The so called “Canaanite” script does not soley belong to Canaan, but all the sons of Noah. Scientist will never agree with the claims of the bible that all people spoke one language than speech took a dive and became confused. So why believe the Scientist who claim the Alap symbol belonged solely to Canaan?

They also are keen in using the most unused font of the ALaP letter. It is impossible to express the hand gesture of ALaP with their preferred font, but it was one of the fonts used in history.   ALaP has nothing to do with a flag pole, its unfortunate that they prefer to call the letter a flag pole. In my research, it would seem that Ghabaray has taking information from Wikipedia concerning the letters, especially concerning the Ieyn (Ayin) letter.

It would seem the professors of Ghabaray researched and came up with the Arabic sound for their Ieyn letter.  Their letter truly makes the most ugliest sound ever heard.  I researched it years ago and realized right away that it was off.  Manakahthey is a musical harmonious language. The Ieyn symbol does not make an ugly sound.  Research the Arabic Ieyn (Ayin) sound.  It basically, sounds like the long “I” sound, with a gargle in your throat.  Yuk.  In transliteration it is represented by “gh”.  This is the source of the Ghabaray Ieyn symbol.  I couldn’t find any information concerning the source of the Ghabaray language from any website professing it.  If you are a Ghabaray believer, please contact me to update this information if it is incorrect.

Flyer’s like these put out some professing to know the truth concerning the Manakahthey letters, is likely part of the reasoning behind the foundation of Ghabaray. I DO NOT AGREE WITH THE FLYER BELOW. Note how it says “Ayin” has the “Gh” sound.



Well, the simple fact that they are calling the language Gharary, after the word Hebrew is proof they are lying.  The language of the Israelites was never called Gharary, but Yahudeyth see Strong’s 3066. The term Hebrew directed to the language is a newly modern thing. We only recently started calling the language of the Jews “Hebrew”.

So, the Proper way to say Hebrew is Ibarey. The pushers of Ghabary, believe that the Ieyn symbol does not make the “I” sound, but Gh thus …

Ibarey becomes Ghabarey

in their heart, but never in the truth.

See my information about the original language of Manakahthey



Get the book “Primitive Sign Langauge” and learn the origins of the symbols, their many attributes, and how they move as a sign language.  If you are not convinced that I have the original language, send the book back to me for a Full Refund. No one gives full refunds for their book after you read it. I am 100% sure you won’t give the book back I can give you a 30-day guarantee.


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Whether you are purchasing the book or you are waiting, you can still learn more. Gain access to my book “The Origins of Language” by signing up on Manakahthey.com for the free course. It’s mostly videos and you can read large portions of the book for free. The book, {“The Origins of Language”} is meant to giving you an understanding of the Manakahthey language and how it is the language of Noah & his 3 sons.


Intro to the Original Language

Ancient Hebrew Fonts Doesn’t Show on FireFox for this Site

Please use a Different Browser if you see Modern Hebrew instead of Ancient Hebrew

Etymology of Ancient Hebrew comes from Manakahthey Hand Sign Symbols

Blow the Shupar

Pri𐤌itive Sig𐤍 L𐤍𐤀guage is the Original Language of all mankind called 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 (MaNaKahThey) & the original biblical language of Yeshar’Al, the people of 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 Yahuah.

When you enter this site, you are entering the zone of looking over covered knowledge. Learn the meaning of the symbols, available in my book, “Primitive Sign Language: Vol. 1, Etymology of Ancient Biblical Hebrew”. I am not hiding this information.  It is strictly for Yahuah’s chosen people and out of the chosen people, only the righteous.

The information you find on this website is not mainstream. This is newly revealed revelation from Yahuah and the refined language prophesied in Zephaniah 3:9, which is called Manakahthey.

Zephaniah 3:9-10

 9 𐤊𐤉 For 𐤀𐤆 then 𐤀𐤄𐤐𐤊 will I return 𐤀𐤋 to the 𐤏𐤌𐤉𐤌 people 𐤁𐤓𐤅𐤓𐤄 𐤔𐤐𐤄 a refined language, 𐤋𐤒𐤓𐤀 𐤊𐤋𐤌 for all 𐤁𐤔𐤌 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 to call upon the name of Yahuah, 𐤋𐤏𐤁𐤃𐤅 to serve him 𐤔𐤊𐤌 with shoulder 𐤀𐤇𐤃 one, 10 𐤌𐤏𐤁𐤓 from beyond 𐤋𐤍𐤄𐤓𐤉 to river of 𐤊𐤅𐤔 Cush, 𐤏𐤕𐤓𐤉 Itharey, 𐤁𐤕 Daughter 𐤐𐤅𐤑𐤉 of the Diaspora, 𐤉𐤅𐤁𐤋𐤅𐤍    brings 𐤌𐤍𐤇𐤕𐤉 (MaNaKahThey).